Tuesday 24 March 2015

3 Minute Wonder

What is a 3 Minute Wonder?

3 Minute Wonder is a short Channel 4 television slot that broadcasts first time directors' three-minute TV programmes in the middle of the channel's weekday primetime schedule (broadcast at 7.55pm every weekday) It offers first-time directors and assistant producers the opportunity to air their work to a large audience, and in doing so, to take a first step into the competitive UK film industry.
The 3 Minute Wonder strand is part of the Channel 4's 4Talent initiative to help new talent break into the very competitive UK television industry. Other projects in the scheme include FourDocs and the Channel 4 Sheffield Pitch documentary competition. Channel 4 offers new directors £4000 and their assistance in making their shorts. The films shown on the series are primarily documentaries that generally highlight a current issue that may not be in the public eye.

The wall: Burning Candy
I enjoyed this 3 Minute Wonder as it gives you an insight on why these certain people chose to become graffiti artists and their personal life behind it as well as how it influenced their life choices as they grew older. The individuals

3MW: Last Supper
I like the truth in the man’s eyes I feel this documentary is informative in the way it shows the truth behind the death sentence .the man in the film is defiantly guilty so it doesn't tilt the story the reason why he did it and the way he talks about how it done might tilt your opinion this short film hasn't changed my feelings or opinions I still feel this is a good idea.

Karl Pilkington: Life
I liked this short film because it’s both funny yet informative. Karl’s way of explaining things are odd from the normal so give you a different perspective on things most of us know and haven’t thought as deeply into as he seems to within this documentary .I have learned very little apart from the fact of looking at things from a different way can give you a different opinion and thoughts on a subject.

TV listings

The red underlines programs are the ones in which I believe to be factual programming which make a large proportion of the programming on the main channels this is due to the need to show factual programs to educate and both fit adult and younger audience at peek viewing times .the programs can be show in groups and sometimes in a group of three if they are a series or a set of linked programs.  Following are some figures of the stats of audience viewing a selected programme on the day.

Below you can see all of the documentaries at different times and on different channels such as; BBC One, BBC Two, Channel 4 etc.

BARB veiwing figures

1 comment:

  1. Hi Poppy,

    Great piece here with great picks of 3mw and why you chose them.

    My point for improvement is give specific examples in video where you say what you like about them. What makes the 'tilt' and how does it show the real story behind those with a death sentence. What specific thoughts and outlooks of Mr. Pilkinton stand out to you?

