Tuesday 24 March 2015

3 Minute Wonder Proposal

Initial ideas for our 3 Minute Wonder
1) Mental health

- Folding paper to reveal different disorders we will be talking about.
- Interviewing both sides of mental health.
- Showing people the true effect.
- Showing both facts and emotions.

2) Mental and physical health
- Folding paper to reveal different disorders we will be talking about.
- Interviewing both sides of physical and mental health.
- Showing people the true effect.
- Showing both facts and emotions.

3) Disabilities
- Folding paper to reveal different disorders we will be talking about.
- Interviewing both sides of disabilities.
- Showing people the true effect.
- Showing both facts and emotions.

Our favourite/chosen idea 

Our chosen idea was mental health.
We have chosen this Idea we feel this would be the most accessible and most informative video to create for this project. We chose this idea as there is a massive stigma around mental health and most people aren't aware of the issues surrounding it.
- Folding paper to reveal different disorders we will be talking about.
- Interviewing both sides of mental health from the professional and unprofessional sides.
- Showing people the true effect that it can have on the sufferer and the people that surround them.
- Showing both facts and emotions from the sufferers and the people around them showing the effects that it can cause and the struggle some face to communicate.

The brief outline for the production
- Documentary / educational.
- All ages of both sexes.
- The aim of the documentary is to inform and educate the audience of the effects and truth behind mental illness. This will be done a way which is both dignified and truthful but not cold hard facts as this hides the people coping with them. Interactive and observational documentary will be the form. We will be filming within college with Lisa and Oz Osborn who are college support for students and also a suffer of mental health and her boyfriend. The crew will be made up of me and poppy I will do the majority of filming and we will joint edit and production.

Sample interview questions we may use
1) Why do you think there is a stigma surrounding mental health?
2) What do you think is the main problem is surrounding mental health?
3) Do you think there is enough support for people suffering from mental illnesses?
4) How does it affect the people who suffer from mental illnesses daily life?
5) Do people treat individuals with mental health illnesses differently to ‘normal’ people?

Equipment, props and costumes we may use
- Camera
- Tripod
- SD card
- Paper
- chair
Due to the facilities offered by the college we will not need a budget as we will not have to buy anything that we will require for our 3 minute wonder.

Pre production paperwork

1 comment:

  1. Great work here, Poppy! Well done!

    Check the tenses and you refer to yourself e.g. "The crew will be made up of me and poppy I will.."

