Tuesday 12 January 2016

Assessment Feedback

Unit 5
First submission

Between you planning and research into E4 you have planned a response to a brief, based on solid and thorough research into the client, working to typical and appropriate conventions. It is appropriate for the C4 audience and you worked independently (but opted for hand drawn animation rather than stop motion). You also need to upload your pre-production.

You have applied a response to a brief that shows creativity, skills and imagination. Your esting is not really animated using stop motion but it does meet the requirements of the esting brief set by E4. You worked independently and only required occasional assistance.

You have reviewed your own work on completion of a brief and you have related back to the ESting entry guidelines. You have used some subject terminology but have missed opportunities. You have not yet uploaded your questionnaire or results. Update (within extended deadline for absences). This work now contains illustrative examples and more explanation of the requirements of working to a brief.

You have explained the requirements of working to a brief with reference to detailed illustrative examples. You have written clearly and concisely and you demonstrate understanding of client work.

Pre-production now uploaded.

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