Tuesday 10 February 2015

Editing Quiz

1) What do the numbers 16:9 refer to?
16:9 is the aspect ratio for widescreen televisions. An aspect ratio is the width in relation to the height of a screen.

2) What is the frame size of a 1080p video file?
A 1080p video file has a frame size of 1920x1080

3) If you have a video file which is 720:50p what is the frame rate and what does the p stand for?
The frame rate of a 720:50p video is 50. The p stands for progressive scan.

4) What is the difference between p and i?
 P stands for progressive scan and I stands for interlaced. P shows each frame, one at a time. I shows half a frame and interlaces them for a smooth movement.

5) What frame rate is real film shot at?
Real film is shot at 24 frames per second.
6) What might be the advantage of shooting at a higher frame rate?
Higher frame rates give smoother movement.

7) What defines a lossy file?
A lossless file is a file that is highly compressed to reduce file size.

8) Name three file types commonly used in editing?
Three file types commonly used in editing are:

9) What is the difference between a video file type and a codec?
A codec is how a file is compressed and decompressed and a file type depends on how compressed a file is and its quality.

10) What is bitrate?
A bitrate is the rate at which a file processes information.

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