Thursday 13 November 2014

Introduction Continuity Sequence.

As a group of five, we planned and filmed a short consisting of different shot types, camera angles. continuity rules, mise'en scene etc. These consisted of:

  • At least five close-ups
  • At least one extreme close-up
  • At least two matches on action 
  • At least one eyeline match
  • At least one POV
  • A shot-reverse shot sequence 
  • One (but only one) camera movement 
  • Some establishing shots and re-establishing shots
  • At least one non-cut transition (which was added during editing)
We couldn't break the 180 degree rule and mustn't have any continuity errors and could not include any dialogue.  


Our final piece ended up following the continuity system better then expected. We didn't break the 180 degree rule and we didn't include any dialogue. We only had one continuity error which was within costume, in some scenes the 'interviewer' is wearing glasses and in others she is not. 

As we got given a checklist of different shot types, camera angles. continuity rules, mise'en scene etc within the group we decided what would go where and how it would play a role within the piece.
For example each close-up showed either and important object, in this case it would be the package or of a characters face to show emotion and to let the viewer identify with the character on screen. Our extreme close-up emphasizes the emotion of the character, in this case it would be shock.
Our match on action shots worked rather well as it gave a sense of tension to the viewer.

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